We at Janis Birds Aviary have over 14 years of experience when it comes to birds breeding. we have loved, cared, bred, and lived with parrots and other species the past 14 years, quite an experience. We have accumulated enormous skills to breed, cater and distribute these birds. As we mentioned earlier do not consider ourselves commercial or profit focused breeders because our birds are raised with a passion and unique kind of human to animal bond. We specialize in happy, healthy, stress-free birds that make perfect companions to both old and new homes.
Sure, we “sell” birds. But we like to think of it as “placing” birds in good homes. Our goal is to help you raise a happy, healthy, and well-mannered baby. We turn away many people who love the beauty of exotic birds and/or want a parrot that talks, but do not understand the intelligence and corresponding interaction required on a daily basis to keep these incredible creatures happy.
The truth has built our businessIt is our mission to alleviate loneliness and the feeling of incompleteness that most individuals and families experience by providing them with not just only a pet but a loyal companion that will put smiles on the faces of their owners. We are a family-run Model Aviculture Program (MAP) certified parrot breeder.
Exotic Birds For Sale
We believe the captive population of parrots is a vitally important component of the conservation of parrot species in the wild. Without these animals being bred in captivity in sufficient numbers many species will go extinct as many species are disappearing in the wild. If we do not have them in captivity, we won’t have them in the wild either. The sport of flying parrots outdoors attracts people of all ages to the hobby of keeping parrots as pets.
Parrot Eggs For Sale
We provide the following services as of now:
- Exotic Pet Adoption and Re-homing.
- breeding of birds such as macaw’s, ostrich and other exotic species
- sales of pets accessories such as cages , pet food and bird eggs
- assessment and assistance in the selection of the appropriate pet for an individual or a family
- Training and sensitization of customers on how to properly take care of our animals after purchase.
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